Location and Facilities
Cigola family has been part of the community since the fifteenth century, and its members have established themselves as extremely skilled and resourceful landowners by reclaiming a portion of land along the Mella river.
Tommaso De Cegulis, squire of Louis XII of France, who traveled to Italy in the year 1500 to conquer the Duchy of Milan, was given the property where the present-day Palazzo Cigola Martinoni would eventually be built by the monks of Sant’Eufemia in 1510.
The palace should be the same since in 1723, the year mentioned in an estimate slip, where the five children of Alessandro Cigola reside in the old building and in three adjacent rooms with a portico. These newly added ground-floor rooms, equipped with a portico, would form the nucleus of the central wing. Although we don’t know the building’s history prior to the eighteenth-century renovations, it is almost certain that in the second half of the seventeenth century, such a structured and disorganized building couldn’t have been appropriate for the family’s new social standing, since Giovanbattista Cigola, born in 1628, actually gathered the wealth of all the deceased member of the family, sparking a massive dispute.
Accommodations and facilities nearby
Distance | Budget | Link | |
Affittacamere – Cigole | 100 m | 45€/night double room |
https://www.affittacamerecigole.it/ |
Casa Romy – Cigole B&B | 3 km | 50€/night double room |
https://www.airbnb.it/rooms/26525997?source_impression_id=p3_1672041518_nvtTUVjFxjZ2yj8a |
Il Gelso – Pontevico | 10 km | 90€/night double room |
https://hotel-il-gelso-pontevico.hotelmix.it/ |
Il Veliero – Pontevico | 10 km | 100€/night double room |
https://www.alvelieropontevico.com/it/ |
Lenotel – Leno | 11 km | 110€/night double room |
https://www.lenotel.it/ |
Villa Ferrazzi – San Gervasio Bresciano | 15 km | 60-80€/guest at night up to 10 guests (private villa with pool) |
https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/villa-di-san-gervasio.it.html?auth_success=1 |
Il Santellone – Brescia SPA LUXURY |
30 km | 180€/night double room |
https://www.ilsantellone.it/it/ |
Areadocks – Brescia BOUTIQUE HOTEL |
30 km | 250€/night double room |
https://www.areadocks.it/boutique-hotel/ |
Il Baffo – Pavone Mella Pizzeria Ristorante |
3 km | 20€ | https://www.ristoranteilbaffo.it/menu/ |
Birrificio Babb – Manerbio | 4 km | 20€ | https://www.fermentobirra.com/microbirrifici/lombardia/birrificio-babb/ |
The Gustibus – San Gervasio bresciano Pub birreria pizzeria |
5 km | 25€ | https://www.thegustibus.it/ |
Yami Sushi All you can eat – Manerbio | 5 km | 30€ | https://sushiyami.it/ |
Trattoria Scia Bass – Manerbio | 6 km | 30€ | https://trattoria-scia-bas.business.site/ |
Milini Bottega Bistrot – Milzano | 7 km | 30€ | https://milini1954.business.site/ |
Trattoria da Nicola – Fiesse | 12 km | 30€ | |
Osteria I Sabidi – Leno | 8 km | 35€ | https://www.edamameosteria.it/presentazione-isabidi.html |
Leon d’oro – Pralboino Ristorante Stellato |
8 km | 120€ | https://www.locandaleondoro.com/ |